Unit 41B, Colbourne Crescent, Nelson Park Industrial Estate, Cramlington, Northumberland, NE23 1WB, UK
Contact (Sales & PPSA): Peter Ward
Tel: +44 1670 618861
Pipeline Innovations Limited (PIL) provide pipeline geometry and data acquisition services across all stages of a pipeline life cycle from construction, pre-commissioning, commissioning, production, operations and inspection right through to decommissioning and abandonment.
Technologies include multi-channel, multi diameter caliper for onshore, offshore and deepwater pipeline commissioning. The Pathfinder foam geometry pig, is a unique product which is designed for proving, measuring and locating changes in diameter, restrictions, dents, debris mapping and assessment in difficult to pig pipelines. PIL also provide a range of robust and compact pipeline data loggers that can be installed on utility pigs and used to measure and record environmental and ride parameters in onshore and offshore liquid and gas pipelines.
PIL support a broad range of pipeline cleaning, inspection and integrity activities and work with a wide range of international pipeline operators, pipeline service companies, flow assurance and integrity providers.
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