Kleiss & Co b.v.

Full Member


Website: www.kleiss.nl

Scheepmakersstraat 17, 3334 KG Zwijndrecht, PO Box 253, 3330 AG Zwijndrecht, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 78 6 291 313
Fax: +31 78 6 291 314
Contact (PPSA): Leo van Beugen
Contact (Sales): Remco Regtuit
Kleiss & Co has manufactured and distributed pipeline equipment since 1967. The company provides in-house design, engineering, manufacturing and testing of pipeline pigs for all purposes. From 1” up to 100” and from soft foam up to sophisticated tools for cleaning. CAD facilities, computer and climate controlled manufacturing and process equipment, test facilities guarantee constant quality.

The company provides soft, medium and high density foam pigs, cup pigs, bidirectional pigs, flexible pigs, gauging pigs, brush pigs, magnetic pigs, pipeline spheres, FDA pigs for food and cosmetics, pencil brushes, polyurethane, neoprene, nitril, viton, EPDM and silicone pigs. Kleiss also supplies pig locating equipment, pig signalers, high friction pigs and ancillary materials for pipeline repair, coating, maintenance and installation.