
    What is a pig?
    The history of pipeline pigging
    Why pig a pipeline?
    Designing a pipeline for pigging
    Equipment description and uses
    Pigging a pipeline
    Appendix A: Definitions & terminology
    Appendix B: Abbreviations & acronyms
    Appendix C: Pipeline imperfections & conditions

Since its formation in 1990, the UK-based PPSA has found that one of the most common requests it has received has been for general information concerning pigging. This book has therefore been written to enable all involved with pigs or pigging services to get a better idea of how they might use them more effectively, or how they might be able to use them for different purposes.

The book is divided into four main chapters ("Why pig a pipeline?", Designing a pipeline for pigging.", Equipment description and uses", and "Pigging a pipeline.") followed by five appendices giving useful ancillary information.  While not a handbook showing how to overcome all pipeline-pigging problems, the book will be extremely useful as a source of basic information, ably answering many questions about pigging which begin "How do we.....?".

The book which has been compiled by industry experts and was first published in February, 1995, forms a unique and extremely-useful introductory reference to all types of pipeline pigging operations and equipment.


"An Introduction to Pipeline Pigging"
by the Pigging Products & Services Association (PPSA)

104 pages, ISBN 978-0901360397, soft covers.

Cost: £21 (UK only, inc. postage) or $52 (elsewhere, inc. airmail postage).

Email to order your copies.