Help me out: T.D. Williamson pigging program removes pipe stuck in pipeline
For most pipeline operators, determining the optimal pigging solution is seldom a do-it-yourself project, and for good reason: It takes extensive technical
expertise to develop a plan for clearing a pipeline, especially when there’s someth ing unusual stuck
inside it — In this case, a pipe that broke off inside another one during the horizontal directional drilling (HDD) process.
Despite repeated attempts, the operator and trenchless contractor couldn’t pig the HDPE pipe out. For
example, an all disc pig didn’t move the stuck pipe, but it did leave a wadded mess inside. Another
contractor eventually succeeded in pushing the pipe a few hundred feet with a steel mandrel pig outfitted with urethane discs.
By consulting with global pipeline solutions T.D. Williamson (TDW), the operator was able to finally free the stuck HDPE pipe.
TDW advised the operator regarding:
- Adjusting the entry and exit site setups.
- Pig selection.
- Selection of the correct medium to run the pigs.
- Flowrates and pressures at which to operate.
As a result, the operator was able to successfully move the wad of pipe to one end of the pipeline where it could then be pulled out using an excavator. The gas distribution company successfully expanded its network and kept its energy lifeline flowing.