Young Pipeline Professionals Europe
Young Pipeline Professionals Europe (YPPE) faced challenges raised by COVID-19 and the corresponding lockdown in the form of events being cancelled. Undeterred, the group pivoted to make the most of an opportunity to keep the pipeline community
connected and learn something new every day. Over a 12-week period from March to June, 50 webinars were presented from 34 different organisations during the online YPPE Fest. With excellent audience
engagement from the 340 attendees from 120
companies, the daily webinar series was an ideal
addition to a “working from home” schedule.
Presentations covered a broad range of topics including pipeline inspection, new technologies and energy transition. Recordings of the webinars now form part of the YPPE Library which is free to access for YPPE members via the website
With more than 300 members and 1800 followers on LinkedIn, the YPPE has clearly changed gear in 2020 with many more initiatives to come to ensure the
longevity of the pipeline industry and supporting the career development of young professionals.