Testloop event for young pipeline professionals at CTDUT Technology Centre in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On 7th August 2023, the Pigging Products & Services Association (PPSA), the CTDUT Technology Center and PIPELINEBRAZIL jointly hosted an Introduction to Pigging event for a group of over 40 young engineers from YPP-BR, the local Universities and those who were new to the industry. The event took place at the CTDUT Technology Center in Rio de Janeiro Brazil and it included 4 very interesting
presentations by PPSA member companies 4PIPE HIDROPIG, Pipeway Engenharia, NDT Global and ROSEN Group.
The students were also given a demonstration of launching/receiving Pipeway Engenharia’s DMR pig. It was a real hands on experience as the students had the opportunity to open and close valves and check the dials before the pig launch.
With 20 percent of the students still at University it was a great opportunity to bring together industry experts and academia, showing the students the interesting careers that are available to them.
With thanks to André Franҫa for the opportunity to visit the CTDUT facility. The CTDUT is a technology center specialized in pipelines. It is a non-profit private association open for use by any company or institution. Their well equipped labs, test loops and expert staff are available for hire for testing,
technology development or demonstration.
André and his team were very helpful and professional making sure the YPP event went smoothly. Hopefully we have inspired the next generation.
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