PPIM 2025 expo fully booked, subsea pigging a new focus
The organisers tell PPSA that only a handful of spaces remain available in the Exhibition Hall. They expect to be completely sold out by October 1. It looks like another great year for the 37th
Pipeline Pigging & Integrity Management Conference (PPIM), which takes place in Houston January 27-31, 2025.
Pigging and integrity management of subsea pipelines and related structures will be a special focus of the PPIM 2025 technical programme. The subsea track will include presentations on inspection (internal,
external), repairs, pig launching, tracking, receiving; cleaning and flow assurance; sealing, drying; remote monitoring and leak detection; and engineering assessment.
In addition to the Expo and technical presentations, PPIM’s widely acclaimed educational programme opens the week with 12
intensive training courses on January 27-28. More information can be found at ppimconference.com.