3X ENGINEERING Online leak sealing solution for emergency pipe repair
The objective of the repair, performed in December 2023 by
specialist was to seal online a leaking defect located on a 14" pipe transporting H2S gas in Qatar. The previous repair system installed by competitor failed and 3X was called urgently to solve the problem and stop the
leakage. To carry out this emergency repair, it was decided to install 3X emergency leak sealing system STOPKiT®, made of specific rubber patch and tightening system.
Scope of work
Before installing our STOPKiT® sealing solution, the previous solution was withdrawn. The sealing was then performed according to 3X installation procedure described below using STOPKiT® ONSHORE and referenced STON014: ==> suitable reference for a 14" pipe in onshore area with a maximum size defect of 25mm and up to 120 bars of pressure and 150°C.
STOPKiT® was firstly positioned next to the leakage using specific positioner device.
STOPKiT® was then slided to perfectly center the rubber patch over the defect.
Once positioned over the leakage, STOPKiT® right and left screws were tightened until leaks were sealed (40 Nm max).
Finally, STOPKiT® positioner device was removed.
The leaking defect was totally controlled and sealed. STOPKiT® product is suitable on many geometries and can be installed on irregularities like welds.
To guarantee the effectiveness of the product it must be implemented by trained and certified applicators.
The repair was successfully completed within few minutes thanks to our patented online leak sealing system STOPKiT®. To secure and extend the lifetime of the repair, the client is thinking of applying REINFORCEKiT® 4D (R4D) over the STOPKiT®. REINFORCEKiT® 4D is a composite wrapping solution made of Kevlar® tape and bi-component epoxy resin.